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The Perfect Sales Pitch

For Coaches & Marketers That Want To Grow To 6-Figures & Generate 30 - 40 Qualified Leads Per Day And Make $2K-$3K A Week Even When They Sleep

This New Organic Approach Generates Me 30-40 Qualified Leads Per Day & Create Sales Opportunities For Me Even When I Sleep


from:   The Desk of Razvan Chirodea 
:      All Aspiring Entrepreneurs 
:   Mar 8th 2022
: Generate Sales Opportunities While You Sleep..

Dear Aspiring Entrepreneur,​ ​ ​

If you're currently spending your valuable time on social media trying to grow your brand & business using the old methods of organic marketing…​ ​ Like searching through FB groups for people to friend request like Indiana Jones' search for the Holy Grail mass adding everyone onto your friends list…

So you can send them a cold DM with “Nice to connect, how’s business going?” as soon as they accept…​ ​ Knowing that 80% of these people won’t reply back and those that do actually want to sell you their products instead of buying yours…​ ​

Or if you’re posting TikToks all day to grow your following, repurposing them on every platform possible to get traffic to your website and make sales…​ ​

And if your so-called coach or mentor that you paid thousands of $$ for to learn organic marketing from is telling you that “it takes time” only to save his butt from lack of expertise… but is encouraging you that one-day you’ll make it..​ ​

I’ll be real with you my friend…​ ​ That day is far far away!​ ​

Now, let me be clear, these 'traditional' methods you’re currently using can and do work..​ ​ BUT wouldn’t it be more fun if you could have people lining up your doors to join your program without any cold outreach or talking to people in DM's the whole day? ​ ​

Instead of staying glued to the screen checking the notifications all the time to see if anyone replied back to your messages…​ ​ Wouldn’t it be great if you could leverage your time and have your online business actually work for you even when you’re offline so that you can actually enjoy your freedom and time with your family and friends… which is why you started all this in the first place?​ ​

I’m talking about more eyeballs on your brand, more leads for your business & more money for you … so that you can finally take your spouse to that long-awaited vacation you promised 2 years ago!​ ​

So if you’re a coach or a marketer that is selling digital or physical products and wants to learn how to get 30-40 qualified leads a day & generate sales opportunities and make consistent sales even when you sleep​.. 

Or you want to learn how to make $2,000 - $3,000 per week with affiliate marketing... 

Then this is for you! ​ ​

- Razvan Chirodea

What Our Clients Say About Us

These are some of the clients Razvan has worked with personally and has helped them generate results online using his proven strategies

Karel L.

Karen made $5,000 after 6 coaching sessions with me. 

Rudolfs S.

Struggling for 4 years alone, he had his breakthrough after 1 week working with me.

Jeff. C

He needed clarity and focus and I was there to give him that!

Angela D.

Razvan's guidance, mentorship and determination to make sure that you're succeeding will help out any person.

Dominiko O.

Generated his first ever $1,250 day. 

Maxwell C.

Made his first 4-figure sale online inside our affiliate program using the framework that we teach. 

Maja L.

Razvan helped me to close multiple HT sales and he taught me the psychology  behind content creation and sales processes. 

Eberto R.

Broke-through in his affiliate business and made his first HT sales that was a 4-figure day after 1 coaching session with Razvan

Matthias S.

With Razvan's help I was able to create content that got me tons of inbound leads and make my first HT sale! Razvan is a SALES BEAST and I don't say that lightly.

Written Testimonials From Our Clients & Students

Don't take up my word, check the results first. Let the results speak for themselves

Karen L.

"After only 3 coaching sessions with Razvan, I made 3 consistent high-ticket sales of $1,000 each, generating $3,000 online within a period of 11 days. Razvan has helped me to find the right FB groups with hot buyers and we created a clear plan on how to get new clients from those groups."

Karen L.

After the first 3 coaching sessions with Karen, where she generated $3,000 in 11 days online, we had the next 3 coaching sessions and she was able to make 2 HT sales in 1 day, generating $2,000 online that day!

Rudolfs S.

"I've been trying to make money online since 2016 and nothing really was significant. I did different things, but nothing really worked. After I meet Razvan and started working with him as my mentor, I literally made my 1st HT commission after 1 week of working together."

Sarah M.

"Sarah has her own coaching program in kinesiology and we worked with her to help her put her offer together and within 1 month she got her first $2,000 client for her new offer."

Bojan L.

He's been struggling for 1 year in some other programs and he joined us because he found hope and saw that what we teach is going to help him. 

Rajvir B.

"She booked 2 calls within 1 day of applying our framework."

Cory K.

Such feedbacks and messages from people that hear about me online are hearth warming. 

Geoffrey L.

Struggling in his affiliate marketing business for over 1 year by himself, he joined my mentorship and closed a $650 sale after 3 days of joining. 

Rajvir B.

"She closed a HT sale getting a juicy commissions with our own affiliate program."

Linda J.

She used my approach of connecting with people and she instantly got results after struggling with cold DM's for months. 

Kenneth K.

He went from 100 followers to over 1,000 followers on TikTok in a matter of days with the help of my coaching program.  

Eberto R.

He got his first 4-figure day with his affiliate program after 1 coaching session with Razvan. 

Results from Razvan Chirodea Academy Affiliates

You want to make money with us? Join our affiliate family and let your results speak for themselves

Maxwell C.

Generating a 4-figure day in commissions with our Affiliate Program.

Razvan G.

Generating a 4-figure day with our Affiliate Program. 

Maja L.

Generating juicy commissions for herself with our Affiliate Program. 

Rajvir K.

Having a 4-figure day with our Affiliate Program. 

Karen L.

She generated multiple sales with our Affiliate Program monetizing 1 prospect up to 3 times. 

Carla L.

Making affiliate sales with our low ticket Affiliate Program. 

Qais A.

He made a sale with our Affiliate Program 3 days after joining. 

Qais A.

Qais also generated passive income with our Affiliate Program generating recurring commissions every month. 

Matthias S.

Generating a 4-figure day with our Affiliate Program. 

Here Are Some Results I Have Produced...

Introducing The Perfect Sales Pitch Legacy

What You'll Learn!

The main reason you started your online business as a marketer or coach is because one day you're planning to have financial freedom, manage your own time as you wish and live life on your own terms... 

And in order to achieve that lifestyle you need to have your business work for you... instead of you working in your business (like in a job). 

So what you'll learn inside TPSP Legacy is how to create an infrastructure in your business that lines up leads to your doors and generate you sales opportunities consistently even when you sleep... 

So that you can make money and and have a business that works for you non-stop without you being constantly online all the time. 

You will learn how to leverage your time and scale your business without working longer hours and without hiring a full team of setter and closers.

Short-Form Video Marketing Content

You'll learn how to use the top 4 video platforms online to generate sales opportunities 24/7.

Millionaire Infrastructure

You'll learn how to create a solid infrastructure that qualified your leads and get the buyers to you.

Content Creation Mastery

You'll learn the best converting formula for short-form videos and for written content on FB.

Automated Sales Process

You'll have a business that works for you and generates you money even when you sleep.

You'll Also Get As Bonuses:

  • Bonus #1: 60 Minutes Short-Form Content Marketing Accelerator (Value $997)

    To sharpen your marketing skills and learn the best converting short-form content formula that will sell for you again and again even when you sleep.

  • Bonus #2 - 1 Hour FB Content Expert Booster (Value $1,000)

    Instant access to multiple content templates with the 5 frameworks for FB to help you become a content expert in 1 day.

  • Bonus #3 – 6-Figure Permanent Results Accelerator (Value $1,000)

    This will speed up your results to 6-figures and help you understand what it takes to grow to 6-figures and permanently get consistent results.

  • Bonus #4 – 1 Month Access To TPSP Mastermind Weekly Coaching (Value $1,000)

    This is the secret unfair advantage my private clients have over their competitors and this is how they are able to grow and get results consistently.

  • Bonus #5 – TPSP Legacy Private Community (Value $400)

    You’ll get inside our private FB group where you can connect, network and grow with other like-minded and driven entrepreneurs like yourself. 

TikTok Growth Accelerator (Value $1,497)

You'll also get our exclusive TikTok Growth Accelerator Beginner to Expert Course as a bonus where you'll learn how to grow your brand, generate qualified leads day and night, make sales and build your business using one of the most powerful social media platforms at this time in the history. 

Instagram Growth Accelerator (Value $1,297)

And we'll also add to your package our premium Instagram Growth Accelerator Beginner To Expert Course for free as well to show you how to accelerate your growth and sales by repurposing your short-form content on multiple platforms and letting your content work for you and make you money 24/7.

This One Decision Could Change Your Life Forever!

This Is Your Defining Moment. Join The Perfect Sales Pitch Legacy Today...

Take This Offer Today

Only $990


Total value of this package is $8,688 and you can access it today for only $990 one-time or 3 x $400 plan.












  • 1. Click the button below to access the package

  • 2. Complete the checkout form

  • 3. You'll receive all the details then to join TPSP Legacy

  • 4. Let us turn you into a sales & marketing machine



It took me 9 years of experience in sales & thousands of dollars invested into my education to learn, try, succeed, battle test and create this rare & unique coaching program and what I noticed during this time is that people that tend to get the best results are those who are able to take fast decisions and move forward quickly.

These opportunities won't be here forever! Don't waste your chance, use it!

Your Questions Answered

Can I promote TPSP Legacy?

Yes, you can apply for TPSP Legacy Affiliate Program and if you get approved, then you can promote TPSP Legacy and make money with it. 

Who is The Perfect Sales Pitch for?

TPSP is for marketers, coaches and course creators who want to leverage their time and optimize their business to be able to get clients and make money without being online glued to the screen 24/7. 

What will I learn in TPSP Legacy?

You'll learn how to leverage your time and automate the sales process in your business to make sales and get clients without cold outreach, without cold DM's, without long "strategy" calls and working max. 3h a day. 

Can I Get Personal Support If Needed?

Yes. Send us an email at [email protected] or reach out to Razvan on Facebook with a DM and we'll manage that for you. 

About Razvan Chirodea

Razvan Chirodea is the Founder of Razvan Chirodea Academy, which is dedicated to aspiring and driven entrepreneurs who want to learn about online marketing, professional development and business education. 

He started in sales in 2013 with network marketing and in 2019 he transitioned into online marketing with high-ticket affiliate marketing. 

He's been working full-time online since 2020 and has successfully leveraged his knowledge and skills to create his Academy and provide exclusive and rare information & trainings to help his students achieve their goals. 

His "why" is to exponentially impact the lives of people around him and his goal with his Academy is to help as many people as possible to turn their dreams into success stories. 

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